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Self Reminder: Again on Love Addiction


While some issues may never be completely resolved, learning to love yourself, and understand that you are worthy no matter what, will finally free you to have healthy relationships that are truly fulfilling.

Treatment For Love Addiction

The core element of treatment, however, is the psychological side. For people suffering from love addiction, this often involves addressing and coming to terms with the parental abandonment that led to the issue. The process can be challenging and time-consuming, but this is the only way to truly get to the root of the issue and help the individual get better and learn to have healthy relationships.

This is done through groups like Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA), which apply the 12-step approach. This is group therapy—enabling sharing with and learning from others with the same (or similar) issues—but more traditional one-to-one treatment is also often incorporated into treatment programs. One-to-one counselors should be specialists in love addiction, though, because despite the similarities with other addictions, there are unique issues to love addiction that need to be addressed.

Therapeutic techniques such as keeping a journal, recounting childhood experiences and even going through the grieving process for the initial parental abandonment can be effective in helping love addicts get better.

Love addiction withdrawal is a very real process. As with drug and alcohol addictions, the additional discomfort can make it one of the most challenging times during recovery, so getting extra support for yourself or your loved one is essential to addressing the problem. Knowing what to expect can help, but there is no substitute for professional care.


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